Thursday, September 25, 2008

My other kids...

I do tend to blog the most about Peyton, she is changing and growing the most, the fastest... but I do have two other girls...
My pet peeve:
Lynn and I actually tied!
I am getting much better at French Braiding...
She is such a natural, she loves her hand-me-downs... and those pink boots!
Ashley is just too silly... her favorite words are not good ones. I dread what comes out of her mouth when I am not present! She may not be able to keep her mouth shut, but she can keep her eyes shut!
A big shout-out to all those "Scentsy Girls"... thanks for coming!!! It was fun! For those of you you couldn't make it, I close my party Monday, and have catalogs... leave a comment if you are interested! I have one for you Randee :)


The Anderson's said...

YEAH! You're back. Your girls are so stinkin cute. I am very impressed with your french braiding skills. I struggle with my own daughter's hair and wish I could learn how to master the braid. Mine end up looking lopsided or silly. Could you get scentsy stuff to me? I need some new scents.

Six-Pack Momma said...

Yay! Way to go on the braid! Lets have hair party...I'm really getting in the mood! Nat has caught the fever, too!